'Let's Do This'
What is the ‘Let’s do this’ Sports programme?
LGJS PE Department want every child to get the right level of support. We recognise that everyone’s different and aim to provide the best guidance for all abilities. The IGNITE Sports Programme, for example, allows those who demonstrate talent in the area of sports to learn and experience more. ‘Let’s do this’ is designed to help those who find our area of education either too challenging or, for any reason, difficult to explore and enjoy.
Assessment: observation and testing. This most important element of the whole process and allows us to identify pupils for the programme. Physical literacy testing provides us with guidance and structure, which is additionally supported by careful, every day observations conducted by qualified subject specialists.
Planning: analysis and discussion. Once we identify pupils’, we share and discuss as a department to create an ongoing register throughout the year. We understand that individual pupils have can be complex and sensitive. For this reason, we consider all aspects and ensure staff from outside our subject are involved in the process.
Action: differentiation in lesson, targeted assistance, clinics, discussions, parents’ evenings and reports. A wide range of teaching methods and techniques allows us to create a learning environment where we have the opportunity to appreciate the importance and enjoyment of PE & Sport.
Our main tool we use is differentiation. In all our lessons we aim to provide our pupils with the environment where they can have a positive experience. We achieve that by adjusting the parameters of the learning process such as: space, time, environment, task. Using additional teaching assistance creates opportunities to work with pupil’s in small groups or individually. Clinics in time will be created where pupils will be invited as a Co-Curricular club to engage with further physical literacy activities.
Parental cooperation carries a great value and as a department we always try to communicate with parents effectively. Please keep up to date with our ‘Sports’ section’ of the school website.