
Sports Code of Conduct

LGJS prides itself on following the advice stated by the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) on how to ensure sport is enjoyed by all. The PE Department have adapted this code to make it relevant to LGJS Sport.

Coaches and Teachers

  • All LGJS staff ensure that the children play for fun and enjoyment and that winning is only a part of this.
  • LGJS commits to ensure that all teachers are informed on coaching principles appropriate to the age they are teaching and that all equipment and facilities meet the correct safety standards.
  • LGJS staff understand the importance of being a positive role model and leading by example (ensuring positive behaviour and respect) towards all players, match officials and parents.


LGJS pupils are expected to:

1) Accept decisions and let their captain or coach ask any necessary questions

2) Be a good sport

3) Play for the fun and enjoyment of it

4) Respect their opponents, match officials and any decisions made

5) Treat all players as they themselves would wish to be treated


LGJS requests that all parents/spectators to sport matches remember the following:

1) To support positively but avoid ‘coaching’ comments that may contradict teachers’ instructions

2) Applaud good play by both sides and show respect for the team’s opponents.

3) Respect the decisions made by the teachers and encourage the children to play to the rules

5) Remember that children learn by example so ensure all language and behaviour is appropriate

7) Praise and reinforce effort and improvement

8) Recognise the value and importance of teachers. Recognise that they give their time, energy and experience to provide guidance for each child.

9) Accept and support the teachers’ decision on team selection

10) In the interest of hygiene, dogs (with the exception of Guide Dogs for the Blind) are not allowed on the school grounds

Match Teas

Tea, coffee and biscuits/cake are provided for parents and guests. These mainly take place in the pavilion lobby. We ask that parents remain in the lobby for their refreshments whilst the pupils are socialising with the opposition in the main pavilion. Pupils playing are provided with light refreshments. As a matter of courtesy, all pupils playing are expected to stay for match tea, whether at LGJS or visiting other schools.

The pupils at LGJS know the expectations and therefore we would expect all parents to support the school.

Missing Matches

We very much appreciate that there will be occasions when prior engagements mean that some children are unable to play in a fixture. We ask for parents to please write, or preferably email Mr Harrison, as soon as possible.


Pupils are to be picked up from the outside shelter after all fixtures. The time will be specified on the fixture letter that team players will receive prior to the fixture.